No Strings is currently based in Stepney, South Australia.
No Strings is a professional theatre company that proudly works exclusively with disabled performers. Our actors take centre stage.
We create award winning productions with local, national and international tours that deeply move audiences.
No Strings creates space to provide access and opportunity for disabled performers.
We challenge perceptions and barriers associated with disability.
Our theatre skills development workshops are where talent and experimentation meet.
Professional artists, collaborate and co-devise new works with our participants. Tailoring our work to participants allows for the greatest form of engagement and expression.
We undertake professional mentoring in a supportive environment, working in partnership with our artists to help them learn, grow, and explore.
Drama skills are life skills. As people find their voice and develop their craft, they grow in leadership and independence. This can create exciting new employment pathways.
By spotlighting (dis)ability, we challenge expectations and educate society towards true inclusion. Our work showcases the power of diversity and acceptance.
No Strings – The theatre amplifying disabled voices

No Strings Participants
No Strings typically has over 100 participants involved in performance, training, and workshop programs. Click here to discover some of our performers.

Artistic Associates
No Strings Associates
Professional artists work with No Strings as tutors, mentors, directors and coaches. All are theatre-trained and disability-experienced.
What We Do
No Strings was established in 1994 by performer, writer and entrepreneur Helen Flinter Leach. Our mission is to lead the way in training, services and opportunities for disabled artists by creating world class theatre, and we support members to develop career paths in the performing arts. We value entertainment and advocacy, individuality and community, unity and diversity. And we especially appreciate humour.
See our work